Saturday, July 13, 2024

Assasination shots aimed at Trump

 This is the state of our country on July 13, 2024.  A historic moment that shook the nation.  Trump will win in a landslide.

Assasination Attempt on Trump

Saturday, June 29, 2024

My current posts are now seen on "X"

Since the recent revisions to the rebranded Twitter into X, and the rapid pace of new events regarding the state of our country's infrastructure and attacks against it by the Progressive Left under the shameful lack of leadership by Joe Biden, I have found that my comments and replies are most current. 

It has become the most relevant place for me to keep up with current events and support our conservative and constitutional movement. i will occasionally post here as well.  Stay tuned!!

Please follow me @alertupusa on "X".


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Biden attempt at Digital Currency at odds with the founders desire for decentralized banking

Digital Currency is a pitiful attempt by OBiden to maximize and federalize your money. Fight it at every opportunity. 

The FED already has access to all your registered banking txns. 

 Our founders Jefferson, Jackson, Hamilton, and  Adams favored de-centralized banking. 

FED WAS CREATED on Jekyll Island 1918. By guess who??? 

 In late November, 1913, on a private island off the coast of Georgia, a few of the most powerful men in the United States and the world gathered to craft up the plan for a new Central Bank in the United States. 

This Central Bank would come to be called the “Federal Reserve” and would go on to be the most important central bank in the world for over a century. The Fed, till this day, is the world’s most powerful central bank. 

 However, the characterization of there being a “free-banking” system in the United States after Andrew Jackson refused to renew the Second Bank of the US’s charter, is a fiction. Banks in the United States are highly regulated and always have been. Lack of a central bank does not imply free, laissez faire banking systems. Scholars of monetary history, like George Selgin, point out other areas of the world which had less regulated financial and banking systems than the US and saw many less bank runs and insolvencies than the US did during the same time period.… 

 Read the book: “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. 

The Scottish banking system was equally crisis free for most of the 19th century. And what was special about the Canadian and Scottish banking systems? Simply, that they were among the least regulated banking systems of their epochs. Although each stood on the firm foundation of English common law, the two systems benefited by being free of the many foolish legal restrictions that rendered so many other nations’ banking systems, and the U.S. system in particular, less stable. Nor were the Scottish and Canadian cases unique. Other relatively free banking systems also had relatively good track-records. Those who really wish to understand the historical causes of banking instability should start by studying the ill-effects of misguided banking regulations, rather than by assuming that banking systems are inherently fragile.

 George Selgin in Warren Mosler and the Great American Banking Myth

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Largest Mass immigration To-Date

Bill Melugin on-site shows video of up to 2,000 immigrants illegally crossing the borderinto Texas. UpTo 8,000 PER DAY. Biden has done nothing to stop this illegal immigration. NOTHING!

Monday, December 18, 2023

King Fahad of Saudi Arabia (R.I.P.) Defends Israel’s right to Palestine Land VIDEO EMBEDDED


King Fahad rightly states the soveriegn and divine right of Israel's authentic ownership of "Palestine". He states rhey are cousins as decended from Abraham.

President Trump Answers Questions in Iowa 2023


Sunday, December 17, 2023

Donald Trump speech at 2018 Worl Economic Forum states his full American Platform opposing Klaus Schwab’s WEF Globalism

Trump clearly outlines his position and platform for his view of American values and representation of the American people in 2018 at a world economic forum debate with Klaus Schwab, founder of WEF. There he delivered a massive blow to the globalist view of WEF.

His message today in 2023 is exactly the same. Trump 2024 should be our choice for president.


Kitty Werthman Speech on Nazi take over of Austria is happening g now in USA

From May 2013

"Is America Today Marching to the Same Drum Beat as Nazi Germany?" Kitty Werthman.

This is well worth the 33 minutes I promise you.  The similarities are astonishing.  Bookmark if necessary but please listen and share with anyone anywhere.

Listen to this authentic 87 year old Austrian holocaust survivor woman describe how Hitler and Nazi Socialist Party government took over and nationalized Austria with Socialism. Detailed explanation to nationalized everything, taxes etc.  It is 33 min.  Listen to it all.  If America goes with A Democrat for President- this how it will look.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


 Areas in which America is under attack:

1. Immigration Invasion

    - Elements from Africa, Yemen, Arab States, S. America, Central America as stepping stones 

2. Known & Unknown foreign hacking of our Utilities, Infrastructure for social systems 

3. Ukrainian drain on our $$ ($200 million 12-07-2023) & weapons

4. Chinese Debt 1.3 Billion

5  Chinese, Russian, Jihadist, European, Indian and African hacking of our personal, public and private systems and accounts. 

6. Progressive Left/Socialist  agendas enabled by Congress, POTUS, and Administration wanks.

     - Broken Border / invasion 

        - NO VISIBLE ATTEMPTS TO STOP 12,000 per day 

   - Corruption in Biden’s illegal business affairs w Hunter

      - Sending $$ to Gaza/Palestine

      - Ignoring Israel support And Narrative

      - Stopping illegal smuggling/import of Fentanyl from China and S. American cartels

       - Fake news, incompetent Press Secretary and staff

       -  Being a puppet for Obamuslim and Pelosi Alinsky and Cloward Pivens agendas

7. Continual attacks to undermine Trump in court and in Congress & Senate

8. Lack of leadership

9. Lack of Backbone

10. Avoiding the press at all costs, walking away from questions and issues presented.

11. Health and Mental issues preventing POTUS from doing his job EFFECTIVELY!!

More to come!

Wake Up America!  

Fight back to save your country. 

THIS WAR IS NOT BEING FOUGHT WITH BULLETS. It is political, technical, cyber, social, narrative, financial and secret.

USA is in an UNDECLARED WAR on many sides

We are under attack by invasion from efe south, cyber invasion from Not only China both internally and from jihadist hackers, further we are being deluded and drained by the Ukraine with arms and huge amounts of money. 

Further we as a country are ignoring the jihad of Hamas against Israel. England and Ireland are severely suffering an overwhelming presence of Muslims practicing religion in the streets. 

We are under attack from every side.  We'd best take note.  We are in an undeclared WAR encouraged and allowed by the socialist democrats.

We are witnessing a Socialist effort to give control of our government away in a bloodless, financial and collapsed system coup.


Wake up America!!

We need to fight back and save our country!!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Alex Jones Epic Reinstated to “X”

 Elon Musk reinstates Alex Jones on “X” (foerly banned from Twitter @RealAlexJonea

Historic day for supporting free speech.

Sunday, December 03, 2023

The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating A Crisis So Government Can “Solve” It

The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating A Crisis So Government Can “Solve” 

The four steps of the Cloward-Piven Strategy: 1. Overload and Break the Welfare System
2. Have Chaos Ensue
3. Take Control in the Chaos
4. Implement Socialism and Communism through Government Force
Last Fall, Conduit for Action published an article titled “Are you the victim of Rules for Radicals” to highlight the political tactics of those seeking to diminish liberty. At the end of the article there was a tease for a future breakdown of The Cloward-Piven Strategy. This is that article.

The end goal of the Cloward-Piven strategy is the creation of a political crisis leading to a guaranteed annual income. 
[1] Essentially, the Cloward-Piven strategy would lead to the complete control of citizens through Socialism/Communism.
As a background, Frances Fox Piven is a professor of political science and sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
[2] The late Richard Cloward was a sociologist and liberal activist, and Piven’s spouse. 
[3]Their “strategy” to implement political crisis to achieve a guaranteed annual income 
was published in the May 2, 1966 of The Nation, a leading liberal political and cultural magazine. In this publication, their main goal to achieve the crisis was to have “a massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare rolls.” A federal program to administer these large welfare programs would be needed. This is because if it is administered locally, there would be lower enrollment because “the poor are most visible and proximate in the local community; antagonism toward them has always, therefore, been more intense locally than at the federal level.”

This means that if there was more oversight at the local level it would not allow the welfare rolls to increase to the levels needed to cause a financial crisis. Therefore,
their solution was to move programs to Washington D.C. where people are NOT as aware of the costs and oversight of the programs. The strategy also rejected that a person could overcome poverty through any “institution of private enterprise”, signaling that hard work, education, and personal responsibility are not a solution to poverty..

Their only solution is a “federal program of income redistribution” to “elevate the poor en- masse from poverty.”
The solution of a guaranteed income to end poverty also must be free from any sort of conditions, like work requirements. They say, “conditional benefits result in violations of civil liberties throughout the nation, and in a pervasive oppression of the poor.” So, according to them, not only are people entitled to other people’s money, there can be no conditions on that.
Under this logic, they are entitled to the coercive taking of others money because they exist. Cloward and Piven also stress the importance of marketing these benefits to the masses.
The Cloward-Piven strategy also stresses that any removal of benefits should require stringent legal review. The benefits should require administrative hearings with additional court hearings to place barriers to the removal of benefits once received.

They hypothesized that lawyers could “be recruited on a voluntary basis, especially under the banner of a movement to end poverty by a strategy of asserting legal rights.” Enter the ACLU.

The liberal strategy calls for a “climate of militancy” that would overcome attitudes of being on welfare. They state that “as the crisis develops, it will be important to use the mass media to inform the broader liberal community about the inefficiencies and injustices of welfare.” The liberal infestation of mainstream media has occurred.

Their ideal political movement would be “cadres of aggressive organizers . . . from the civil rights movement and the churches, from militant low-income organizations like those formed by Saul Alinksy and other groups on the Left.”

Their plan was also ahead of the curve on implementing generational welfare dependency because they highlight that “once eligibility for basic food and rent grants is established, the dram on local resources persists indefinitely.” Their target demographic was “a coalition between poor whites and poor Negroes.”

Their “ultimate aim of this strategy is a new program for direct income distribution”, also known throughout history as Socialism/Communism which has led to the death, despair, and depravity of hundreds of millions.
As Milton Friedman famously said, “there is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program.” This is because government sets out to “fix” a problem with a new program. However, that program never seems to go away. Does this mean government never fixes a problem, or that government will never shrink unless forced to do so by receiving less money?
[1] All Quoted Material, unless otherwise noted:
[2] [3]
         NOTE: Additional Emphses added to original... --by spm

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Elon Musk Tells Left Align Advertisers to Fuck Off

 Well here we are.  It had to happen.

Elon said, "You are going to try to blackmail me for MONEY?"  Are you kidding?  What Imbeciles.  It will surely backfire on all of them!  And we hope so!!

Then he saud while shooting the finger, "Fuck Off!!"  Yay!  The cost of freedom of speech is high, and he is standing up for it with "X".

Watch this Interview...Scroll Down

Elon Tells Advertisers to "Fuck Off"

VOTE YES ON HR 1425 .@JoeBiden MUST NOT sign America onto foreign treaties without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate vote.


.@JoeBiden  MUST NOT sign America onto foreign treaties without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate vote.

Joe Biden has signaled his plan to sign the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (IHRs) without the constitutionally required 2/3 Senate approval.

If passed, HR 1425 will STOP Biden’s plans to bring America under the U.N.’s WHO control. 

Contact Congress NOW to save America from Biden’s one world order plans.

Send your email, fax or call your Congressman and Senators NOW!!!

Kerry heads push to close coal mining to support GREEN AGENDA!

John Kerry - the Special Envoy for Climate, spoke at the COP28 the annual United Nations climate change summit, held in Dubai, UAE.

Wow! I wish I could go to Dubai with all the other elites to listen to more of this Progressive Liburd hogwash.

I wonder how much carbon print was generated by the taxpayer paid 1st class flight to Dubai for Kerry?

This is elitist hypocrisy at the very worst.

i wonder how much carbon print was generated by the taxpayer paid visit to Dubai for Kerry?

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Entitled Physical Attacks and Mob Surprise Rob and Run Incidents

Beat-and-run mob mentality.  Criminal.  I am sick of seeing physical attacks on others seen on “X” and other social media.


This is a new mentality promoted by some sense of undeserved entitlement.

Also entitled surprise mob rob-and-run mentality in large retail stores.

Sad to say it is prevalent in the young urban black communities.  You don’t see Mexicans, Orientals, Indians, or white people ganging up and hitting retail stores to steal products en masse.  

The mob surprise approach - whether violent or stealing - prevents anyone from stopping them.  

Why is this becoming so prevalent these days in school classrooms, shopping malls, on the streets, or other public places??

This seems to me a cultural collapse encouraged by Progressive leftist permissive ideology outlined by the Cloward-Pivens and previously with the Saul Alinsky manifestos. The crumbling of the family unit and lack of authoritative parenting seems to favor lack of boundaries and focus on “deserving” yet unearned outcomes

PAY ATTENTION AMERICA!  This your country.  Don’t let it slide into lack of action from political correctness or apathy.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Radical Islam vs. the World

 You need to see the Movie "The Siege" Denzel, Annette Benning, Bruce Willis-  

MADE IN 1998 

- it is about the very thing I have been talking about with our porous borders, allowing Middle Eastern Islamic terrorist elements and into our country, and the imminent possibility of major strikes against our major cities. 

- It is a fictional movie, but it's prophetic about the massive attack by several terrorist cells against the United States - New York City in this movie.

- Imagine that it was made 25 years ago!!!

- Our government is doing nothing

- Except allowing the borders to fall

- Placing our basic infrastructures at risk - grid, hospitals/health, water, power, financial and political….

- We will be at war in our own country very soon

- Hamas attacking Israel was just lighting the fuse

- They've had 25 years to prepare. And America is still asleep.

- And we have an eggplant for a president

- And we have a Muslim running the country from behind-the-scenes with his boyfriend, which is against all Islamic rules!!!

- Tell me it's not fucked up

- This is not just about Israel anymore. And I'm sure you were quite aware of that.

- They are in our banks. They are deep in our system. I don't care how harmless they seem to appear. They are still Muslim. And they were still raised on the Q’uran.

If Hollywood was making movies in about this type of attack on our way of life 28 years ago… We should be terrified. Because it's on Netflix now on STARZ.

- This type of movie has not been promoted lately, and it should be to wake Americans the fuck up.

I personally believe it has gone beyond the point of Hamas versus the Jews and Israel. It is about Islam against the world.

Israel was the fuse that lit the fire.

Just to be clear, this is not about hate. I don’t like hate, and I don’t like to post hate!

This is about our way of life in the United States, and what is that steak with the lax and porous, allowing of foreign terroristic elements into our country and into our systems. It is about staying awake, and alert.

It is happening in London and has been for sometime. It is now starting to happen in New York City and other major United States cities. Please notice the amount of pro/pro Palestinian media, coverage and protests are abounding. It is based on ignorance, not knowing the facts.

I know that not all Muslims are bad. It is unfortunate that there is a fanatical and radical part of them that is dangerous to us and our way of life. Just like we have radical and dangerous elements in our own society. So please understand I am not here to create hate —-

Rather awareness and consciousness about the current state of things in our country that have been growing and preparing for the last 30 years.

How do you fight a belief  system whose basic principles are to destroy those who don’t convert to their way of life?  Sound familiar?  The Nazis were no different. This facism has a new face and a new name.

  • Please stay awake. 
  • Pay attention, don’t watch / believe fake news. 
  • Believe what you need to believe. 
  • Take care of yourself and those you love.

Monday, November 13, 2023



 (Notice I did not say Palestinians)

Monday, October 30, 2023

Noa Tishby - Hamas and the West!! Shame!!!

If you stand with Israel….

This powerful, articulate and accurate speech given by Noa Tishby lays it all out!  Watch it!!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Tucker Carlson interview with President of El Salvador Nayib Búkele

 You really must watch the Tucker Carlson interview with the president of El Salvador.  This man clearly and truthfully addresses the reasons our economy model is failing and why so many of our MSM are irrelevant and why the FED is legally robbing our money from us and so on....

Interview is in English.  You can still add CC subtitles .

Very sharp and visionary who has increased his economy and tourism by 95%.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Raw Truth - Gaza, Palestine, Hamas and Israel

Watch this powerful video by Hillel Fuld - Israeli woman lays it out perfectly:  10/10

Monday, April 11, 2016

Are we Patriot or are we Dancer?

Left on the bandstand for our perusal to lead the U.S.A into its next Presidential conundrum are people ranging from NO political background w/extensive business experience to "who's THAT" to Global diplomat follomg 8 yrs of First Lady doings.

Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Ted Cruz
What's his name?



We will vote to hand the reins over to one of these?

Self Imposed Voice of the downtrodden Right
Elite, sneering arrogant Entitlist, Let them Eat Cake
Texas crook
Some nobody

I am looking for the motivation to go to the polls.

Am I voting for something or someone?
Am I voting against someone ?
Foriegn Policy

Can I get a real leader, please?   Not a leftover, warmed over, repackaged, remarketed, murky past candidate?

How about a leader who truly loves his country, reluctant to own power, no need for the job, and a brilliant analyst and strategist?

I don't think THAT candidate is out there, and we re left with power hungry, entitlement grubbing, products of our own system.  Transparency is a bitch, YO?

So we have to choose, settle for the perceived value we have been sold.... Sort of like the "paper standard" supporting our $USD Dollar that supports the world economy...No?

Now, I ask...aren't we all to blame?  Who?  We gavour proxies to the members of the House, and to the Senate floor, and they squandered it.  Over and over again.  We have folded on leadership and representation.  Every Senator thinks he has a job for life, mostly because we have abdicated and let them make the decisions we have been too busy or unable to make.

Now I stand ashamed, knowing I abdicated.  I did nothing to protect our dreams and our way of life.    We are paying dearly for that now.  Bitch as we may, however we voted we voted long ago to live THIS LIFE!!

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Bill Ayers' Strategy to Destroy America

Bill Ayers is a communist, a terrorist, a guerilla militant, a promoter of violence to attain his ends, and the purveyor of logic used by the Obama Administrtion, Hillary Clinton, and all those "Progressives" that would like to dismantle and dismember the America we have, and have had.

Please acquaint yourself with him, as his books and rhetoric guide the Liberals today, and since the 1960's.

Also see this video of a debate with Dinesh D'Souza

See for yourself.   I am not making this up.  I have known about the Weather Underground and SDS since 1970.  It's tenets have remained unchanged.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Some Historical Facts .... Historical Facts...

Before you read this, know that I have good Muslim Friends who are not out to take over the world, but are peaceful, gentle people, not the Jihadsists and Extremists wishing to practice Sharia at the world's expense.

These are facts, not nonsense.   Please read this with that in mind.  If anyone has persecuted the Extremist Muslims, they have done it to themselves trying to impose their view of the world on the rest of the world using death and destruction.   Note:  There have been extreme actions against the world for over 1400 years.   Read on....

In 732 AD the Muslim Army which was moving on Paris was defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell.

In 1571 AD the Muslim Army/Navy was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to attack southern Europe in the Battle of Lapanto.

In 1683 AD the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

...this crap has been going on for 1,400 years and half of these damn politicians don't even know it.

If these battles had not been won we might be speaking Arabic and Christianity could be non-existent; Judaism certainly would be... And let us not forget that Hitler was an admirer of Islam and that the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's guest in Berlin and raised Bosnian Muslim SS Divisions: the 13th and 21st Waffen SS Divisions who killed Jews, Russians, Gypsies, and any other "subhumans".

Reflecting, A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.

Pause a moment, reflect back. These events are actual events from history. They really happened!!!
Do you remember?

1. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male.

2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim males.

3. In 1972 a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach, it was blown up shortly after landing by Muslim males.

4. In 1973 a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome, with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslim males.

5. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim males.

6. During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim males.

7. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim males.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I'mmmmm BAAAACK!

I couldn't stand it.

I have to write, and I have to write about my opinion.

So there.  I've said it.

It is mostly politically incorrect, but at least I am passionate about it!

So, Off we go!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lack of Voices in our 2 Party System

As a response to a very astute observer to the US political scene, this gentleman noted that ..."there is a lack of voices in your 2 party system....."  he also rightly noted that it matters not who is in office.  the same things would still happen!

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!   You are right again!  There is a massive lack of voice in both parties, with the primary story line coming from only one or two in each - which is very frustrating.  That is why there are new voices emerging from outside these two mainstream parties - but discredited at every turn by a powerful media.

Now, the question is - has the process become so overwrought with big money, lobbying, campaign paybacks, and politicians who have made a career of Congress, etc.  that no real change or accountability is possible anymore, but rather a lumbering forward of two fossilized and gridlocked parties?  

It is hard for the small guys to catch a break.  So while there are voices trying to be heard, they get lost or are perceived as weakening or diluting the vote (especially for the conservatives), leaving our friends on the other side of the isle with a weaker opposition.  Our voices should become framed and galvanized into a more viable conversation that resonates broadly across the heartland - with the relevance most of us feel needs to be expressed.   

Our first leaders were passionate about liberty, overtaxing and weary of living under tyranny, with a lack of rights - and willing to go to war over it.  Or, they were uninterested in power, but willing to serve and build a Republic based upon true vision.   Today, we have lifetime privileges voted into law, by and for a new and paralyzing class of "public servants" - the politcrats.  We have laws being passed - rife with hidden assaults on personal liberties, and grants of power that accrue to the president under the guise of national security - passed at night, or on the weekends when only those interested in seeing it pass are present for the role call.   We are living more under more of a false fear today than ever - an unrealistic fear being foisted by a government and media that would propagate limits to our mobility (via "fuel costs" disguised as taxes), right to privacy, right to bear arms and other inalienable rights.  We have allowed ourselves to be economically vulnerable, internationally lacking in credibility due to a lack of strong foreign policy and rudderlessness as a society with the least accountability as I have ever seen in my lifetime.   In short we have slid, declined and weakened because of a kow-towing to liberal themes in order to gain acceptance on the world stage, or a desire to align with more liberal values in other cultures.   We have allowed the role of our president to become banal, and pedestrian.   I am saddened by the paths our country and leaders have chosen to accept because of a lack of conviction and personal courage and a desire to further their own careers.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Someone Just Leaked Obama's Rules for Assassinating American Citizens

Someone Just Leaked Obama's Rules for Assassinating American Citizens

Rotten to the Core -PT. 1 by Michelle Malkin

Here is part one of an explosive exposé of the "Common Core" program in Federally funded schools:

Part two:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

School Shooting Epidemic -Author Malcolm Gladwell defines cause in his bestseller "The Tipping Point""

From his book, the Tipping Point, Gladwell sets forth the idea that the school shooting scenarios are actually an epidemic with teens based upon isolation, as follows (an excerpt):
Following the trend of school shootings in 2000, beginning with Columbine, Gladwell suggests that “these are epidemics in isolation: they follow a mysterious, internal script that makes sense only in the closed world that teenagers inhabit.” (268) (Cf. Hurt) There is, in this example, a fairly typical “standard form of contagious anxiety.” (270) This is similar to kids getting sick in school. “It’s important to realize that sometimes epidemic behavior among children does not have an identifiable and rational cause: the kids get sick because other kids got sick. The post-Coloumbine outbreak of school shootings is, in this sense, no different.” (270)
My sense is that the way adolescent society has evolved in recent years has increased the potential for this kind of isolation. We have given teens more money, so they can construct their own social and material worlds more easily. We have given them more time to spend among themselves — and less time in the company of adults. We have given them e-mail and beepers and, most of all, cellular phones, so that they can fill in all the dead spots in their day — dead spots that might once have been filled with the voices of adults — with the voices of their peers. That is a world ruled by the logic of word of mouth by the contagious messages that teens pass among themselves. Columbine is now the most prominent epidemic of isolation among teenagers. It will not be the last. (271)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee: Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will “Fire On US Citizens”

Shock claim purported to come from “one of America’s foremost military heroes”

2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow shockingly claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders is whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. citizens.

Garrow was nominated three years ago for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and is the founder of The Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from “gendercide” in China. Garrow has been personally involved in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death.” He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing.

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed,” Garrow wrote on his Facebook page, later following up the post by adding the man who told him is, “one of America’s foremost military heroes,” whose goal in divulging the information was to “sound the alarm.”

Garrow’s claim is even more explosive given that the country is in the throes of a national debate about gun control, with gun rights advocates keen to insist that the founders put the second amendment in the Constitution primarily as a defense against government tyranny.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Truth About Assault Weapons

Please watch this FACT BASED slide show on the real truth about "assault weapons".

Monday, January 14, 2013

Obamacare has hidden amendment preventing Gun and Ammo Registration!!

Right from the Breitbart News Page.... 
That’s right. It was put into the bill by Senator Harry Reid — in order to keep the NRA out of the Obamacare fight. Well, thank you Harry Reid? 
The Nevada senator, after all, is a fan of guns and firearms, believing them to be as American as baseball or football. picked up on the story (which IJReview first learned of via The Right Scoop): 
It seems that in their haste to cram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Barack Obama overlooked Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c. 
According to reports, that amendment says the government cannot collect “any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.”
CNN is calling it “a gift to the nation’s powerful gun lobby.” 
So, even CNN has recognized the provision in the otherwise monstrous law. And now that the Republican Party has control of the House… well, sort of… there is no good reason for any of Feinstein’s gun laws to sail through Congress.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wyoming Lawmakers Propose ‘Gun Protection’ Legislation

Wyoming's Ultimatum:

Gun Protection Laws proposed in Wyoming:  Firearms Protection Act!!

Several Wyoming lawmakers are proposing legislation designed to protect gun-owners from any potential federal firearm ban. The “Firearms Protection Act” bill, introduced this week, would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries
Anyone trying to enforce a federal gun ban could face felony charges under the proposal. It also includes a provision allowing the Wyoming Attorney General’s office to defend any state resident against any federal firearm ban.

It's about time! I am shocked and saddened our conservative leadership has not stood up in this way before now. Instead we have been meekly trotting behind the cart. 

Until our representatives stand up and FIGHT for our LIBERTIES we will be relegated to carrying water for those who wish to continue to denegrate and decompose our 2nd Amendment rights in front of our very eyes and noses. Shame on us for not DEMANDING they stand up with opposing legislation that will counter EACH AND EVERY bill offered by gun-control/rights-limiters.

Not to mention giving away our Sovereignty to NATO via unfriendly treatys like Law of the Sea (L.O.S.T), Agenda 21, the failed Copenhagen Treaty, and others by "Globalists" and NGO's.

Calling all states:
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Kansas, Colorado, Montana, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, W. Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin - all need to MAN UP and support/demand their representatives produce counter legislation for gun protection!

The note I sent to my Representatives and Senators in Georgia tonight:

It is time to STAND up for our Liberties!
Please STAND UP and introduce GUN PROTECTION / PRESERVATION legislation to counter those Gun Control legislations and Presidential Orders and Measures to limit our rights to keep and bear arms.   
Also that add further red tape and restrictions to the purchase of legitimate weapons and ammunition.

Please also vote, and lobby against GUN CONTROL, which is a direct attack on our 2nd Amendment rights.

Do what ever you can to stop the systematic dismantling of our Constitutional Rights, our Liberties, and the fundamental values that we cherish.

          You are welcome to use this to help articulate your sentiments to your own representatives in Congress and the House of Reps.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Anti-A2 Sentiments Criminalize Patriots

Gun Appreciation Day set for Jan. 19th.  Libs Appalled...

Guess being a patriot has become more criminal. Without a law. Witch-hunting by anti-A2 lawmakers and Obama sychophants is underway. I am so sickened to see these times. Really nauseated.

These are the same idiots complaining in shock about their new taxes. How long before they realize what else they have done to themselves by reducing their own freedom(s).

See insert from "" on recent "Gun Appreciation Day" tweets and comments.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Law and Document Analysis Call OBAMA a FRAUD!

See Article in full here: @
Law and Document Analysis Call OBAMA a FRAUD!

As published on

Shows Highlights of a Duly Authorized Law Enforcement Investigation Presenting Indisputable Proof Obama’s Birth Certificate and Selective Service Registration are Forged (Felony). 

- Video Goes on to Show is Operating Under a False Identity (Felony Fraud).  
- Obama’s Social Security Number Fails Government’s E-Verify Test and Belongs to Deceased Man, Harrison J. Bounel (Felony Fraud). 
- Obama’s Passport Name Does Not Match His Birth Certificate (Illegal).  For 17 Years, Obama Said He was Born in Kenya. Ineligible! See Obama’s Three Kenyan Illegal Alien Family Members Living in the U.S. 

Starring: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo, Barack Hussein Obama, Harrison J. Bounel, Obama’s Illegal Alien Half-Brother Abongo Malik Obama, Obama’s Illegal Alien Aunt Zeituni Onyango, Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Onyango Obama, and Christopher Greene. 

Obama Jailed a Military Officer for Asking to See His Birth Certicate.  

Obama’s First Act in the White House was to Seal His Identity Papers.

In 2008, while Vetting McCain, Congress Ruled Presidents Must Have Two US Citizen Parents. Obama Signed This Resolution. Obama’s “Birth Certificate” Says His Dad was Kenyan. So Obama’s Ineligible by His Own Admission.


Send It to Every Member of Your Family, Church, The Electoral College, Congress, Universities, Colleges, Police, News, Judges, the World!  Post It on Your Websites. Expose this Crime to All! Tell Everyone Who Resists an Obama Investigation, Based on the Full Legal Findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo that They will be Held Accountable for Conspiracy to Commit High Treason and Prosecuted to the Fullest Extent of the Law.  Spread the Word! Prepare Within Your Neighborhoods, Towns, Cities, States and Regions for Peaceful, Legal Insurrection on a National Level.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2nd Amendment Rights - Perspective

In Response to my Post Below from Russian Author/Contributor to, Stanislav Mishin.

1.) I know that many of you may not agree, but the purpose of this post is to encourage you to take the long view as to why our founding fathers chose to construct the 2nd Amendment. There are also many Americans who do agree.

The Russians, Australians and others have already been through this via several regimes, and can say that the regulation of arms or confiscation of arms will not stop crime, criminals or those who intend to inflict harm. Without the right to defend ourselves from tyranny, 'over-government' or any external or internal threat to our freedoms, we are but so much flotsam, and will be subject to any who chooses to challenge our liberty.

Why not examine and consider what they are all saying?

The above article is not to advocate any extreme or radical position (as many politicians and media would have us believe), rather it is a re-visit and understanding of the 2nd Amendment as a "due diligence" measure based upon reason and historical repetition of fact regarding governmental gun control. It is about governmental control, and losing yet another freedom for the sake of the "state".

Responsible people with arms will remain responsible and only use them appropriately. This is a proven fact. Those with intent to harm, or proven violent felons will find a way to have and use them inappropriately, and THIS is also a proven fact.

Whether you own a gun or not, it is a basic constitutional right, and the principle of being able to exercise that right - without the sense that you are 'out-of-line' or a potential criminal.

So please - let's not have this be an emotionally driven resolution based upon fear and ignorance. Rather, look at the facts.

2.) The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. 

Our Bill of Rights is based upon the original English (British) Bill of Rights of 1689. "...The fifth and last auxiliary right of the subject, that I shall at present mention, is that of having arms for their defence, suitable to their condition and degree, and such as are allowed by law. Which is also declared by the same statute I W. & M. st.2. c.2. and is indeed a public allowance, under due restrictions, of the natural right of resistance and self-preservation, when the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression"

Our version was drafted as a further definition of those rights as colonists and those seeking to found a new Republic. AND after much debate and revision: 

The House voted on September 21, 1789 to accept the changes made by the Senate, but the amendment as finally entered into the House journal contained the additional words "necessary to":

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution) was adopted, having been ratified by three-fourths of the States.

It was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess and carry firearms.[1]

As written originally:As passed by the Congress:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.[8]

So let's keep in mind why we have a Second Amendment, it's origins, and its importance as a governance device.

3.)  I just cannot be quiet anymore. I hope and trust that logic, reason, due diligence, historic reviews, and all the metrics of responsible gun owners such as: 1.) they are 13 times LESS likey to commit a crime, 2.) are more law-abiding than those who have guns illegally, etc. and those metrics of killers, robbers, and general bad guys, not wild-eyed emotional knee-jerkisms to be politically correct or "doing something". The light of day will show the significant difference between the two. Lord, please deliver us from the demagogues.

4.) We cannot be intimidated.

Facebook is clearly dominated by leftist / liberals who are sycophants of the entire Demo legacy and progressive movements. At one point the Republicans were considered the "liberals" and the Democrats the conservatives. I am sticking to a belief system that may cross boundaries of each, but is based upon our country's original vision of liberty.
Either we cave in or continue to speak out and risk being 'unpopular'.

Anonymous friend:  Popularity has never been my thing, and I will always speak out about what I believe to be right. The brilliant and brave men who founded this nation had the foresight to realize that what they fought against could happen in the future, in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, gave us all of the freedoms and tools we needed to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government, or any other attacks on our personal freedoms. I won't cave, or be silenced in sharing my beliefs on this issue. If others don't care for my opinion, so be it. People that would cower in the corner, and accept whatever controls the government tries to impose on them, are not folks I want to associate with anyway...

5.) It will become more unpopular. This post is being ignored by all the liberals that are supposedly open minded, intellectual, have the abiity to decide for themselves. Completely vanished. No likes, no comments..... why? They know deep in their hearts I am right. They have forgotten the Pledge of Allegiance we were taught to say each day at school, which is now banned from practice. I am sickened to death by these pussy followers. They don't even understand their own party, much less have thought through their own (or accepted) belief systems that are being promulgated by State Media (MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, Public TV), "liberal/progressive" ..."Leaders"... who are working as hard and fast as possible to de-construct our country, beliefs, structure, documentation, and infrastructure.