
Friday, June 13, 2008

Our Candidates for President Have BOTH Missed the Mark

While I will never vote for Obama - mainly due to his leftist views with little or no substantiation to support them, I am not over convinced about McCain either. While McCain's values are conservative, I am not sure they are progressive enough. Or sure they represent my views.

Is our country really ready for progressive politics or is it simply seeking "historic moments" through a thinly veiled core of Kennedyesqe planks.

I am not a swing voter, but a saddened voter due to the lack of substance and leadership on either side. Ron Paul may not be relevant in this election, but he does strike a chord with me. I am still undecided, but simply due to sheer lack of any hope or vision for any of my values, I may have no choice but to vote for Dr. Paul. Because he speaks to the original nature of our country's founding documents, he is considered out of step, shrill, and irrelevant. Perhaps he is not the right guy to have the job, but we can listen and hope for the right combination of dynamics within a candidate who could be elected.

So with this in mind, is McCain going to lag behind because of votes like mine? Do I just vote for McCain to add to the effort to prevent Obama from being in the White House? Once again, I am voting for the least of evils. Once again for the THIRD TIME!

We all know the issues, and the stands taken by both candidates - we are bombarded with it minute by minute. I am suffering from campaign news media fatigue.

It is not that hard to understand the principles on which our country was founded. Why have we deviated into a policy based purely on present day political spin. Our great leaders understood our core values and had the backbone to stand up for them. Where are these leaders with vision?

Our Candidates for President Have BOTH Missed the Mark

While I will never vote for Obama - mainly due to his leftist views with little or no substantiation to support them, I am not over convinced about McCain either. While McCain's values are conservative, I am not sure they are progressive enough. Or sure they represent my views.

Is our country really ready for progressive politics or is it simply seeking "historic moments" through a thinly veiled core of Kennedyesqe planks.

I am not a swing voter, but a saddened voter due to the lack of substance and leadership on either side. Ron Paul may not be relevant in this election, but he does strike a chord with me. I am still undecided, but simply due to sheer lack of any hope or vision for any of my values, I may have no choice but to vote for Dr. Paul. Because he speaks to the original nature of our country's founding documents, he is considered out of step, shrill, and irrelevant. Perhaps he is not the right guy to have the job, but we can listen and hope for the right combination of dynamics within a candidate who could be elected.

So with this in mind, is McCain going to lag behind because of votes like mine? Do I just vote for McCain to add to the effort to prevent Obama from being in the White House? Once again, I am voting for the least of evils. Once again for the THIRD TIME!

We all know the issues, and the stands taken by both candidates - we are bombarded with it minute by minute. I am suffering from campaign news media fatigue.

It is not that hard to understand the principles on which our country was founded. Why have we deviated into a policy based purely on present day political spin. Our great leaders understood our core values and had the backbone to stand up for them. Where are these leaders with vision?